Climate change is likely to pose serious threats to both rural and urban development livelihood practices in the State of Himachal Pradesh. Consequences of climate change are expected to critically impact water resources, eco-system services and agricultural dependent rural communities, all of which are critical towards eradicating poverty and attains sustainable development in the Sate. Himachal Pradesh is rapidly progressing towards achieving high economic growth, while ensuring environmental sustainability and addressing the cross-cutting concerns of climate change.
National Adaptation Fund is an initiative of Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India to provide support to the State Government, Union Territories especially to those which are more vulnerable to climate change.
National Adaptation Fund on Climate Change (NAFCC) has been established by the Government of India with a budget provision of Rs. 350 crores for the year 2015-16 and 2016-17, with an estimated requirement of Rs. 181.5 crores for financial year 2017-18. The objective of the fund is to assist State and Union Territories that are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate change in meeting the cost of adaptation. [ CLICK HERE ] to see complete details of NAFCC.
The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has been appointed as National Implementing Entity (NIE) responsible for implementation of adaptation projects under the (NAFCC). The templates for project preparation and guidelines for implementation of the project have been prepared. The guidelines have outlined the objective, priorities, eligible activities, approval process, implementation, monitoring and evaluation mechanism. The focus of the fund is to assist adaptation projects and programmes to support concrete adaptation activities that reduce the effects of climate change facing communities and sectors.
As such the Government of India has agreed to provide assistance to Government of Himachal Pradesh for improving the adaptive capacities to facilitate sustainability of livelihood opportunities in the State. Sirmour district of Himachal Pradesh having second highest level of rural population growth.
During the last decade State is experiencing moisture stress, water scarcity, loss and damage due to climate related changes. The recent drought history of the district indicates that most of the teshsils remained drought affected in the past decade.
In order to reduce the climate change vulnerability and improve the adaptive capacity of rural, small and marginal farmers including rural women in the State, a long term programme in combination of Climate Smart farming technologies along with required social engineering. It will also encompass on capacity building processes to improve food security and secure livelihood opportunities to enhance resilience in the State.

Objectives & Actions
1. Planning Support
- Identification of sectoral adaptation strategies to assist rural communities for implementation.
- Development of long term activity wise action plan.
2 Research and Knowledge Development
- Assess community level vulnerability with exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacitydifferent from conventional planning process on Agriculture, Water-irrigation, Crop diversification & livelihood practices.
- Document best practices being adopted by the farmers.
- Develop GIS based information systems to represent impacts of climate change indistrict Sirmour of HP.
- Create an enabled framework for climate change adaptive capacity.
3 Training & Capacity Building
- Training module development on climate smart approaches.
- Training / Orientation of target farmers on climate resilient agriculture / horticulture.
- Extension services and hand holding support to target farmers from time to time.
- Demonstration of different package of practices that are adaptive to climate variability.
- Organizing dissemination workshops on project learning.
Target Groups
- Marginal and poor rural farmers.
- Field policy & programme implementing officers of Agriculture, Horticulture &Irrigation Sectors.
- Rural women & people representatives of stakeholder panchayats.